Ensure correct waste separation/segregation at source
Process area: Waste Separation
Payback: 18-24 months payback
Complexity: 4/5
Adoption: 65%
Avg. save: Variable
Action overview
Make sure that waste is appropriately segregated into streams where the waste is being produced. Make general waste as difficult as possible to dispose of, to make sure that recycling is the go to option.
Tips & advice
Waste streaming is a highly effective way of reducing waste and controlling your waste costs. As a minimum, all clean paper, cardboard, and plastic types should be separated from other types of waste so that they can be recycled rather than landfilled. This means that there must be clearly marked bins to place paper, cardboard, plastics, and general waste, wherever this waste is produced and near to the areas where people are working.
In your offices, provide recycling bins at entrances to the building, so that staff can immediately dispose of items they have used on the commute, such as empty takeaway coffee cups & lids, plastic drink bottles, food wrappers, newspapers, magazines, and used public transport tickets as they enter the workplace. There may also be opportunities to recover food waste for composting. Again, your recovery operator can assist you with the best ways of separating this waste and presenting it for recovery.
In your plant or site buildings, provide appropriate bins at workstations where specific consumables or materials are commonly wasted. Make sure that general waste bins are located far away so that there is no temptation to mix waste streams. Make sure that there are regular collections of the bins, and that signage is clear and visible as to what goes in which bin. Use KPIs and information boards at bin stations so that employees know how recycling is progressing and receive positive encouragement to continue doing so.