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Achieve carbon confidence in packaging, together

The environmental impact of packaging is a global challenge that can only be solved through collective action.

That's where we can help.

Following the success of Activate, a collective initiative in the pharmaceutical sector to reduce carbon emissions, Manufacture 2030 plan to launch a new initiative to accelerate the environmental impact reduction.

M2030 is inviting global packaging businesses to become founding members to collaborate and show collective climate action to reduce upstream Scope 3 emissions.

Packaging affects every sector. Join us in accelerating action to make a global impact for good.

Register your interest and find out more today.

  • Reliable environmental data collection, at facility and product-level
  • Supplier action throughout the value chain
  • Hotspot informed carbon reducing actions



The problem with packaging

Packaging has a large impact on the environment and the majority of emissions are found within the value chain.

Increasing impact of plastic on the environment

Increasing impact of plastic on the environment

Global plastic waste is set to almost triple by 2060, with two-thirds estimated to come from short-lived items such as packaging and low-cost products.

Carbon risk within value chains

Carbon risk within value chains

With up to 90% of emissions sitting within the value chain, accessing reliable primary data on packaging is critical to reduce environmental impact and carbon risk.

Customer demand for sustainable solutions

Customer demand for sustainable solutions

As understanding of the impact of products on the environment grows, customers are increasingly willing to pay more for low environmental impact products with sustainable packaging.

Challenges packaging companies face

Working with hundreds of packaging suppliers, Manufacture 2030 has a unique understanding of the challenges with reducing upstream Scope 3 emissions in packaging value chains.

Some of the challenges include:

Supply chain visibility

Supply chain visibility

Buyers often face limited traceability in their complex supplier networks, particularly outside of Europe.

This lack of visibility hampers their ability to identify emission hotspots throughout the value chain, making it difficult to take meaningful action.

Unreliable data quality

Unreliable data quality

Buyers lack reliable primary data and struggle with inconsistent measurement methods, particularly with the growing use of recycled materials.

Industry average emission factors for materials fail to capture the complexity needed to inform decisions effectively.

Implementing actual reductions

Implementing actual reductions

Buyers find they have insufficient resources to drive decarbonization programs at every tier of the value chain.

They face challenges engaging larger suppliers to access reliable carbon footprint data, and enabling other supplier’s with tools and knowledge they need to accelerate sustainability programs.

The opportunity

Go fast? Go together, and accelerate climate action.

Decarbonize your supply chain by aligning on the communications, timing, and ask to packaging suppliers

Win more business by making greater strides towards your customer's decarbonization goals

Meet Scope 3 reduction targets with greater confidence and certainty



Our approach

Measure: keep it simple and improvement focused

We go beyond historical, company-level data and measure in detail each supplier’s environmental impacts including Scope 1, 2 & 3 carbon emissions, as well as their plans for reducing this baseline to meet your target.

Manage: a clear path to your carbon reduction goals

Gain forward visibility of each supplier’s estimated glidepath towards your target based on their baseline data and existing reduction plans, identifying their individual gap to target and wider hotspots of impact across the whole supply base.

Reduce: focusing effort where it matters most

Accelerate progress towards carbon commitments by helping suppliers build capability at scale. With access to best practice, expert advice and support, we help suppliers close their gaps to your targets, while creating real opportunities for them. A win-win that saves time, cost and our planet.

Our partners

We collaborate with organizations that help support our clients achieve their carbon reduction targets.

Next steps

Register your interest

Register your interest

Register your interest on the form above.

Connect with our team

Connect with our team

A Manufacture 2030 team member will reach out with you directly, to better understand your challenges and the opportunities through collective action.

Collaborate and launch

Collaborate and launch

Founding members to come together and launch the program.

Frequently asked questions

We are in the early stages of capturing interest and the program will be shaped together by the founding members but here are some answers to questions you may have.